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Social media has increasingly become a popular tool for marketing, creating brand awareness, and building a customer base for most businesses and companies. If you are a business owner, a social media agency, or an individual with a personal brand online, you might already have pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, among others. This post will explain to you five skills you must equip yourself with to manage your social media pages effectively. These are the skills that helped me to increase my Facebook page likes by 2600 in less than a month.

You can achieve this kind of result by mastering these five skills I’m going to talk about and put them into practice.

Note that for all the skills I’m going to mention, you don’t need to attend a course or first become an expert in them. All you need to do is to research a little and know at least something you can practically apply.

1- Content creation

For all the platforms, the number one skill you need as a social media manager is content creation. You should be able to generate ideas based on the topics your audience is interested in, use them to produce and package information in a way that your audience enjoys consuming. You need to create content in various formats depending on your platforms. For example, you need pictures for Instagram and Pinterest, videos for YouTube, etc. To easily master content creation, first, you need to have information about your niche at your fingertips, then learn how to package your content and then add to it some imagination.

It’s easy! All you need to do is write some articles, take some pictures and make some videos. As long as the content interests your audience, you are ready.

2- Graphics design

Social media contents that appeal to the visuals are more engaging. That is why you need some graphic designing skills. This helps you combine pictures and text on the pictures to enhance visual communication. You can easily do this with the aid of some apps like Canva, adopt Photoshop software, and others. If you can learn how to use those tools, you will increase your social media engagement with your graphic content.

3- Basic Analytics

As you manage your platforms, you need to know the results of your efforts; how much traffic you are driving, how many followers, etc. You should achieve this by monitoring analytics. Depending on the platforms, there are always some apps to do the analytics. Make use of them.

4- Basics of algorithm

At least for every platform having your page, make sure you know what affects your results and marketing efforts. For example, if you are on Instagram, find out how long it shows a post, what factors affect who sees the post, etc.

5- Social Interaction

Businesses in a hurry to automate kill the social aspect of social media. Avoid this mistake because social media is social and that is why it is ‘social media’! As a social media manager, you should be there as a human being, responding to your customer’s questions, being present with them shows you care. Until you care, no one cares.

Enjoy your new gig!


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